How BRS Dental got from there to here.
Starting as a service bureau 36 years ago, BRS began to listen to Dentists about their needs for a computer system… and we haven’t stopped. Learn more
Meet some of our staff.
Jim St. John, Chief Technology officer
Randall Smith, Senior Vice President, Consulting and Support
Kristina Olsson, Sr. Solution Specialist
Our mission.
Our mission is to make the routine tasks of dentists and dental office managers easier and more enjoyable. Half of accomplishing that mission is listening to what dental staff like you need and want in an office management program. A large percentage of the features in the BRS Dental Office Manager program are there because of specific client requests.
The other half of accomplishing that mission is to make sure the program runs smoothly for you and that you’re getting the most out of it. Remote individualized training, super-speedy support response time and giving you the time and patience you need: that’s what keeps our clients up-to-date, relaxed and enjoying the time in their dental office.
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