Category: News

  • NYS delays electronic prescription mandate for one year

    With the previous deadline of March 27, 2015 looming, the NYS Senate and Assembly sent a bill delaying implementation of the e-prescribing mandate to Gov. Andrew Cuomo on March 2.   Waiting until the last minute. Gov. Cuomo signed the bill late on March 13th (see ).  This will delay the e-prescribing mandate until March 27, 2016.  However,…

  • NYS has new requirements for Practitioner EPCS Registration

    NYS changed the requirements for registration of EPCS (Electronic Prescription of Controlled Substances) effective this week. Prior to this, doctors were required to complete and email a Practitioner EPCS Registration form to the NYS DOH. The new requirement eliminates that path for registration, and requires that all new registrations be completed online via the NYS…

  • BRS Dental presented at New York Dental Forum meeting

    BRS Dental was invited to join other presenters at the New York Dental Forum’s Clinical Treatment Planning continuing education seminar on February 10, 2015 (  ).  The New York Dental Forum seminar was held at New York University’s College of Dentistry Aesthetic Center.  Randy Smith, Senior VP of Consulting and Support, spoke on the New York State mandate requiring that all medical providers,…

  • BRS Dental is ready for electronic prescriptions

    BRS Dental is at the forefront of the electronic prescription wave, with New York State requiring that all medical providers, including dentists, use only electronic prescriptions as of March 27, 2015. Over a year ago BRS Dental partnered with DrFirst to offer dentists an integrated solution incorporating Rcopia (see ).  By using an integrated solution,…

  • BRS Dental adds Microsoft Silver Data Platform Competency

    By Randall Smith, BRS Dental Vice President, Systems Support BRS Dental achieved a Microsoft Silver Data Platform Competency.   BRS demonstrated to Microsoft that our DOM Enterprise dental practice management applications pass stringent testing for Microsoft SQL Server 2012 Platform Ready status.  The Data Platform Competency demonstrates our ability to meet Microsoft Corp. customers’ evolving needs in today’s dynamic business…

  • Ransomware Threat Escalates

    By Randall Smith, BRS Dental Vice President, Systems Support We have seen an increasing incidence of “ransomware” threats, both from client experience, and from published accounts.  “Ransomware” is a category of malware that encrypts files, and demands payment for a key allowing decryption of the files.  This type of ransomware, sometimes referred to as “Cryptoware”,…

  • 4Medapproved offering HIPAA training next week

    By Randall Smith, BRS Dental Vice President, Systems Support (Updated 11/5/2014) HIPAA regulations require a trained workforce, including a Compliance Officer for every dental practice.  4Medapproved is presenting a live, online workshop starting Wed. Nov. 5, 2014:  Become a HIPAA Compliance Officer in 4 Days (only 1-hour per day) This event will be offered live…

  • Microsoft Patch Tuesday includes critical updates

    By Randall Smith, BRS Dental Vice President, Systems Support Microsoft released advance notification of several critical security updates as part of the standard Patch Tuesday release (Patch Tuesday is the second Tuesday of each month when Microsoft releases updates).   All users are urged to install the important Microsoft updates released today, which apply to all…

  • Are you still mailing copies of X-rays or perio charts to insurance companies?

    By Randall Smith, BRS Dental Vice President, Systems Support In our release of DOM version 9 in 2013, BRS included full integration with NEA FastAttach (electronic attachment service). NEA FastAttach allows the transmission of digital X-rays, scanned images, photos, periodontal charts, and narratives to a secure repository for viewing by insurance companies.  NEA partnered with BRS Dental…

  • BRS Dental is a Microsoft “Silver” Application Development Partner

    By Randall Smith, BRS Dental Vice President, Systems Support BRS Dental completed renewal of our partnership program with Microsoft Corporation.  As a Silver Application Development Partner (formerly called ISV – Independent Software Developer), BRS has demonstrated to Microsoft that our DOM for Windows and DOM Enterprise dental practice management applications pass stringent testing, and are certified to…